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Friday, December 16, 2011


A 98.6 degree F. fire burns deep down inside your soul!
The heat burns you on the inside like a soul on fire!
You want to scream out your pain for the world to feel,
But you know modern power men would rather watch you burn!

Someone, light a match under the asses of the powerful few...
They who would rather watch the burning man turn to ash...
Never extending a hand out to pour on an ounce of their green coolant...
That which they sit on and hoard like winterizing animals!

Burn away, you Burning Man... you are soon to become extinct!
They who own it all only need a small amount of you to survive their Apocalypse.
Servants, be they by any name imaginable, serve...
And they who own it all grow more fire resistant every day!

When they who own it all finally place their protectors in the highest thrones...
The game has been won and lost in one fell swoop!
Today, the Burning Man burns like a funeral pyre...
Signaling what truly must be the end of times of the innocence of the Burning Man!

The middle of this class of man has been raped and pillaged!
This warrior hoard never carries a sharpened sword or polished shield!
This hoard is armed with the most dangerous weapon ever created by man...
Lawyers, armed to the teeth with paper and pen and law jargon!

The jaw bone of an ass would never stop a lawyer.
Brute force could never compete with carefully constructed law words.
And when law words mix with money and power...
Mass carnage and virtual, and actual, bloodshed will spill across the land.

A 98.6 degree F. fire burns deep down inside your soul!
The heat burns you on the inside like a soul on fire!
You want to scream out your pain for the world to feel,
But you know modern power men would rather watch you burn!
