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Monday, October 14, 2013

Careful, America -- Forget Socialism... How About The Communism

In my 54 years of life, I NEVER believed the politics of America would break down to the point that the government would shut down! Shutting down the government has always been the "Lunatic  Fringe" craziness.

And now the crazy has taken over American politics!

How insane is it, Americans, that CHINA... of all countries... is begging for the rest of the world to become "de-Americanized!" This is the most terrifying thing I have ever known, because it shows that the rest of the world might slowly be turning toward Communist countries for advice and support now.

These are dark times, people... and the stupid ignorant in America are now in control! And they don't give a shit about reality. Every second the government is shut down is another second rogue countries respect us less.

And that is frightening, folks.  What better time to set off a nuclear device off in the middle of New York City, or open a can of Ebola in Washington, DC.!

White Republican men drunk on their craziness driving us all down to hell! Is all this insanity what you all want for the future of America?

There is only one true out from this madness! VOTE ALL REPUBLICANS out of office! Period! Democrats are liberal goofballs, to be sure... but they are NOT trying to starve you to death and kill your children!

That is what Republicans are for!


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Government Shutdown -- A CEO's Love Interest

I'd like to know when big, and small, business is going to take its money and start pumping out anti--government shutdown propaganda into the media! Ultimately, this shutdown is going to kill business in about one month.

The Christmas buying season is almost here, folks.

During the last Presidential debates season, companies like Chick-fil-A and Papa Johns were all about sticking a knife in Obamacare and fighting everybody to not pay its workers a decent wage. But now that the government has been shut down by the Tea Party, who was supported by the CEO's of both of these companies -- John Schnatter (Papa Johns) and the self-confirmed homophobe Dan Cathy (Chick-fil-A) --, both of these men are now nowhere to be found.

It was the fear and hatred out of these men, along with the hatred and unlimited blood money from the RACIST billionaire Koch Brothers and the hundreds of other traitorous right-wing bullies like them -- including Mitt Romney and the rest of the Republicans, who have brought this government to a standstill!

And until right thinking Americans vote these Republican monsters out of office in November, 2014, this madness WILL continue!

Where are the commercials screaming bloody murder to the government shutdown, Koch Brothers. Oh, wait a minute... in your blind, bloody hatred for the NEGRO President, you would rather see America burn to the ground than give a NIGGER a break.

And you are doing that... burning it to the ground. I just can't figure the end game. Who is going to buy your products when America is digging itself out of the burning ashes.

Oh, holy shit! I just got it!

You don't give a goddamn about Americans... when you have China and Russia and Pakistan and Egypt and ...

Holy shit, that is the end game! And America has ignorantly handed our government over to these TRAITORS!


Friday, October 4, 2013

Parents, Fox News' Creepy Reporters Are Questioning Your Kids

My son is now a senior at a university here in Virginia. I raised him to be liberal minded... a man to love everybody. I want him to respect himself, his race and especially... WOMEN! I do not expect my son to EVER have domestic confrontations with the women in his life.

At college, I expect him to learn, be respectful to the university process and to BE a force for expanded openness that universities are SUPPOSED to generate.

Fox news... and its dirty, twisted, evil religion, conservative hatefulness... always tries to trick its backwoods, bear eating, Negro hating, snake handling religion, all white, bible twisting, gun polishing, hillbilly ignorant audience into believing the vomit lies it creates out of topics that should be left alone. What in the hell is Fox News doing on the campus of Brown University harassing the students? Why is it not illegal for Fox News to harass the students... the female students?

When is Fox News -- the mouthpiece for these traitorous Republicans -- going to do ANYTHING to help the Republicans, led by John Boehner, to OPEN THE GOVERNMENT, instead of harassing students at a university?

I agree with the students at this university, without one doubt! I was a college student, at one time. I remember what it was like to be a student. And, I will NEVER be a ass-hole hypocrite who tell college students, like my son, that he should not be the same courious way I was in college!

And that conversation is between me and my son!

But, as I told you before, I taught my son to be a good guy! And if he is ever approached by some creepy dicks from Fox News, I hope he calls me so that I can do my fatherly duty to protect MY SON from the EVIL Republicanism that is infecting my America!

And if you have a child in a university anywhere in America, you should call your child tonight and give him, or her, another pound of your love and support. There are EVIL forces out there just waiting to pounce upon your child and turn him, or her, over to the dark-side!

And I am not talking about someone from overseas. Domestic terroristic are right here in America... and they live on, and inside, the worlds of FOX NEWS!


Saturday, September 21, 2013


(Don't panic folks.
I am going to re-post this three times for maximum effect -- Friday the 21st, Monday the 23rd and Wednesday, the 25th. I just want to make sure as many people read this missive as possible.)


This Son-Of A-Bitch is Eric Cantor!
He is the Republican bastard Senator who heads this evil.
This prick fucker is from around the area of Virginia where I live.
And I feel nothing but disgust that I breath the same air he does!

I wrote this original missive in the middle month of 2012...
When the Senate first started seriously attacking the hungry!
Now it has completed the immoral job...
So goddamn what if millions of children go hungry!

According to them...
If you are old, poor or sick --
You're fucked -- and they gladly did the screwing!
Obama Care for untold millions of the uninsured?
They want you sick, hungry, poor and DEAD!
And a food stamp program to feed the hungry?
They want you hungry, weak and DEAD!
And money to expand education?
They want you dumb, stupid and DEAD!

The Republican politicians don't give a damn about you.
They just showed your their hatred of you.
You, the screwed, you better vote these bastards out of office next year!

The Republican lies are borderline psychotic!
They are telling the public Obamacare is destroying America!
They are lying by saying it is affecting you now.
That is a lie!
Obama Care begins October 1, 2013!
On that date you can sign up to the insurance exchanges.
That is all!
The actual law doesn't actually go into affect until January 2014!
NOTHING is happening right NOW with Obamacare!
Republicans are LYING to you!
And they used your fear and ignorance to GUT the Food Stamp Program!
Wake up, white people!
You are the only people the Republicans are targeting!
You are being used like a beat down Pit Bull!

Summer 2012

Food Stamp Vote In Senate Blocks Bid To Restore $4.5 Billion In Aid

Every person in the Senate, the Congress, and the White House went to bed with a full belly of food last night. Many of these people are very wealthy, all of them are well paid and a lot of them had fancy meals in fancy restaurants at the end of the day. Many of them drank expensive wine, good beer and expensive whiskey with that meal. A lot of them chomp down on expensive cigars while they tell the stories to one another of the underhanded insider stock trade they just made. All of them go home to air conditioned dwellings, sleep on fine sheets and bathe using hot water in nice showers.

When they wake up this morning, they will have their coffee, read their newspaper, mull over their many choices of articles of clothing to put on and get into their cars, if they want to drive to work… if they want to. The women are all well dressed, manicured and have their hair done at fancy salons. The women carry in their fancy hand bags the best lotions, perfumes and lip stick. Everyone looks good for each other as they gut the economy of the bare essential programs that give the people ‘below’ them dignity, food for energy and a reason to get up and live.

Half of the haves in Washington DC are an abomination to the very order of life in America! These men and women, these elected officials who are suppose to be compassionate proxies for the people they supposedly serve. They… who have everything they need to live on and provide food for their family members. They are hateful, spiteful, immoral, evil filled creatures who would rather let an American child starve to death than get their heads out of their asses and fix the economy like they know they can!

Every politician who votes to starve another child in America, actually contributing to the declining health and well being of the people who they are suppose to help… you are evil personified and should burn in whatever hell your parents believe in. You people are obviously devils and you have no fear of apprehension of what might happen to evil people like you in your afterlife.

I spit on you… just like you are spitting on me! May your evil self-serving derision give you nightmares from this day forward. None of you deserve the respect of right thinking Americans!

John Boehner is said to be a drunken lush at times. It is documented that he likes bars. How can a vile worm like this man possess the stones to show his face in public when he commits treasonous acts against his fellow Americans every day? How does a vile, anti-American poser like this man keep his job when it is obvious that he, and his henchmen, have only one agenda in government -- take down President Obama, and slam the rest of America on the mat with him!

These politicians have the food, the power, the running water, the cars, the money, the modern dwellings, the bank accounts, the stock options, Jamie Dimon, health care for their children, access to the best schools and education for their children, access to millionaires and billionaires, side money to line their pockets, good clothing to wear on their backs, gas money, high class restaurant access, access to the best seats at the national level sporting events, swimming pools, antiques, manicured lawns with trees that are just the right height… and I could go on for pages and pages of content!

Wake up people! You voted these anti-you people into office. They have screwed you for three straight years! Are you not tired of being raped in your very soul by these people? Goddamn it! Vote these self-serving asses out of office!

When Barak Obama was sworn into the office of the President a few years ago, America was ecstatic with the possibilities. The Republican hate machine immediately went into action! It has undermined the very fabric of what holds America together. Are you people going to allow the Republican monsters to continue to screw your very life?

Imagine this… Barak Obama becomes president. He enacts the policies that he ran on… without Republican opposition. Can you imagine what America would be like today? Roads would be fixed! Bridges would be fixed! Sewer systems in the big cities would be right in the middle of refurbishing. Education would be a priority! The banks would be under control! And people would be applauding universal health care!

You… sheep… have allowed about 150 men across this nation to completely flip America upside down. You gave Scott Walker back his power. And you keep giving these Republicans more and more power by kissing their asses and giving them your votes. What in the hell is wrong with you people?

Enough! And now, look what these politicians just did! You all should be marching to the White House in protest as you read this missive. You are crazy, self-hating white Americans. It is no wonder the rest of the world HATES us!

Who do you think is affected by this Senate block of this Bill? Black people? Check your facts… to see how many times more white Americans are on food stamps than black people. Go on… shock yourself!


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Surprised? More Racist Slurs From CBS TV And CBS RADIO!

The CBS executives are known racist hoarders. Across the board, CBS has had company issues with racism over the years. CBS radio, in Washington D.C. for example, is known to be ABJECTLY RACIST… including the on-air sports shock jocks using the word N****r and completely disrespecting Native American culture and defending negative branding of a word that marks Native American’s darkest times in history. The ignorance from the racist employees at CBS is frightening… and continues to be the displayed to this day.

I believe, these people are known to be racist by CBS executives before they are hired. The fact that their racism preceding them means nothing to CBS executives. If you are a racist CBS executive, what do you care when you hear N bombs, Asian racist insults and homophobic slurs. You, the CBS executive, already probably use these terms yourself… “So what is the big deal?” Perhaps, says the CBS executive.

I want to know how many black people are at the CBS executive level for buffering against the racism, like that would really matter. Just like the present American Congress… when you put scores of racist white men together and give them power -- they impose radical racist agendas, openly attack black people’s civil rights and show their true evil disrespectful disdain for women and their right to control their own bodies!

CBS -- pure television racism at the executive level at its worst! If you support CBS television, and CBS radio, you are supporting RACISM!

Are you racist?


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Who Is Actually On Trial In The Trayvon Martin Case?

I've got three things that are bugging the hell out of me about this MURDER case!

1 -- Why in the name of anything reasonable in America is Rachael Jeantel being subjected to the grilling about her personal 19 year old life by the Defense Attorney. Should not his questions be relegated only to the telephone conversation she had with Trayvon Martin up until the moment of his death? What in the hell does ANYTHING she said, or did, matter after George Zimmerman shot Martin dead? After the telephone goes dead while Martin is confronted by Zimmerman… her relationship with this matter is done!

Leave the chick alone, people.

2 -- Why is Trayvon Martin’s Bag of Skittles still perfectly intact. And, why is Trayvon Martin’s can of Arizona Iced Tea not busted or crumpled or busted open. I believe, if Trayvon Martin was the thug he is being painted out to be by some people, he would have hit Zimmerman with that can. And we all know that the aluminum used for Arizona Iced Tea cans is paper thin.

Why are Martin’s items not damaged?

3 -- The Defense wants us to believe Martin was on top of Zimmerman, beating him to within an inch of his life… thus, leaving Zimmerman with one option -- shoot Martin dead! And that Martin’s body fell on top of Zimmerman. Zimmerman then rolled Martin off of him.

But, I want to know this… if those facts are true… then why, and how, was Martin found with his arms and hands UNDERNEATH HIS BODY! That is not ergonomically possible… unless Zimmerman placed Martin’s hands under his body!

Zimmerman shot Martin -- that is truth. How did Martin fall onto his face with his hands underneath his body? Two men standing face to face! One man shoots the other man dead with one shot! The dead man’s body falls instantly face first to the ground… arms instantly loose and under the body as it hit’s the ground!

Unless, Zimmerman staged the body in that position!

4 -- How in the hell did Zimmerman get those scratches on the back of his head? Did anybody check Zimmerman’s fingernails for flesh underneath them? Perhaps, they might have found Zimmerman’s OWN scalp flesh underneath his own fingernails.

I’ve got many more questions… but these are the ones that bug me the most!

Six white women on the jury! Not one black person on the jury! Holy hell! What in the fuck happened to the caveat -- judged by a jury of your peers!



Thursday, May 9, 2013

George Bush Jr. -- A Mass Murderer Hunted By Other Countries!


Between the 152 people George Bush, Jr. executed when he spent five years as governor of Texas, and the thousands upon thousands upon thousands of men, women and children, American and otherwise, who have died directly due to his vendetta against the middle east... I believe that George Bush Jr. is the most infamous mass murder the United States of America has ever known.

This man is so monstrous that he even resorted to direct murder and torture to get what he wanted out of all this war bullshit... whatever the hell that was, or is! The fact that the weak ass political men controlling the American judicial system allows this mass murderer to walk freely among the citizens of the country he plunged into perpetual war and self-destruction is a crime before the God Bush so often blasphemously calls upon when he is stupidly explaining away his crimes.

George Bush Jr. should be hanging from a tree, executed by the spirit of each of the thousands of human beings who have died almost directly by his very own hands. And Dick Cheney needs to hang two feet beside him… on the same branch!

I hope to his god that one of these years, when he is traveling outside of this country, the police of that country will arrest him, jail him and refuse to send him back to America. Obviously, the corrupt American Department of Justice will not arrest these men and charge them with war crimes. Maybe another country will do our job for us.

I sure as hell hope that scenario happens. In my opinion, George Bush Jr. is a sociopath… and a psychotic homicidal maniac who should be institutionalized… or dead! I prefer the latter…


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Impetuous of Anger


I Need A Boat To Float Out Into The Middle Of The River To Just Float Away...

There is an odd subculture of American life today…
It lives just under the surface of common culture.
Its denizens are sniping assassins who won’t come out to play…
Rather, they throw out barbs and insults for silly torture!

They refuse to look between the lines of the written text!
They pounce upon the subject matter with claws bared as sport.
They do not have a single clue about that mystery word… “Context!”
They do not think beyond the moment as they hold Kangaroo court!

Everybody is an individual who does not link mind to mind with others.
Humans get along with each other better when they refuse to be a Sniper!
No one accepts another person undercutting his hard earned druthers.
And sniping from the outside will never make you fuller and riper!

How many people are millionaires today based solely upon context?
How many people get their life in order solely based upon context?
How many wars have been created solely upon context?
How many people miss their calling based solely upon context?

Every person reading this missive will contextualize these words their way.
Some of them will draw zero context, to instead criticize, bitch and moan.
Others will absolutely understand every reference I have to say.
To them. I say… ‘May your mind be a sacred bejeweled kingly throne!’

The reason for this piece of poetry is “The Impetuous of Anger.”
This writer feels the need to push back at the sniping jerks of the internet space.
Intelligence must be embraced with context hanged on a gold plated hanger.
If you do not understand written context -- the snot is still on your immature face!


Friday, March 29, 2013

Another Ignorant Comment About Gay People On The Huffington Post!

This note is a response to the just posted whiny, racist comment on The Huffington Post by "Cirowley." This is for you...

I'll give you the little bit of "hate" mail you asked for in your comment. But, unlike you... I'll make a little goddamn  sense! First I’ll ask you this question, “What in the hell are you talking about? What?”

There was not one gay person in America attacking Chick-Fil-a until the owner of the chain came out of his racism closet last summer to tell the world that he, and Chick-Fil-A, do NOT support gay anything. Then he thumped the bible before vanishing out of sight for the past 8 months. Dan Cathy started the conflict with gay people with HIS unprovoked attack on them.

Remember the craziness of Republican business owners losing their goddamn minds becaust they were feeling full of themselves because they were convinced that Barack Obama was a “cooked as a goose” President, who was out on his ass! Well, now many of these business jerks are stepping and trying to get back in the good graces of the customers they offended!

And Chick-Fil-A stepped into a pile of muddy trash when it decided to attack the gay community. I want to know, what was the position of this California Chick-Fil-A during the controversial phase of Dan Cathy’s racism. What was he saying then about what the owner of the company was saying?

Most gay people want to be left the hell alone. Some of them only become vocal when jerks like you stick your racist opinions in their business. Who asked for your goddamn opinion in the first place? Didn’t your racist mother tell you that if you don’t have something nice to say about someone, don’t say anything at all?

Hey, take your negative opinion and sit on it!


Thursday, March 28, 2013

If The Republican's Keep Telling America How Horrible The Economy Is, Then Where Is All This Money Coming From?

My fellow Americans, those of you sold the Republican Nightmare...
Here is a prime example of the lies they have sold to you, without compare!
They told you America is falling apart!
They told you your economy is will never restart!
And here it is, America... the rich bathing in wealth while you cry in despair!

Darrell Issa, Republican Congressman from California's once liberal playground!
He, who is the leader of the pack to raze the American postal system to the ground!
He is already worth 450 million goddamn American bucks!
And I imagine is is telling himself, of the poor I don't give two fucks!
People like him are making BANK as the stock market orgasms in its lost and found!

And the rest of the American society that works paycheck to next?
What do they know of the rich playing with the money made by execs?
They listen to the Republican lies about how bad it is...
And then they vote for these liars who use them and give them the biz...
As the rich get richer off of lies, paranoia and evil simply too complex!

America... stop believing the Republican lies!


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Graham Ledger -- Smarmy Klingon CPAC Host On Wealth TV!

I don't know who this Graham Ledger is... although I did google search him. I read his bio... and I have read enough. Simply put, shame on this man. All I see, from his bio, is another conservative ass-hole who has devised a way to make bank off of espousing conservatism to the ignorant masses!
And he sucks as a CPAC Host! Talk about a smarmy Klingon!

This CPAC is some sick stuff, folks.

Only crazy, stupid, ignorant people clap and cheer at the maniac ramblings of Sarah Palin. Enough said!

Then Rick Santorum start to rant like Hitler... yelling for America to hate Europe! Did you hear his speech? How in the hell did this man become a Senator! And, why in the hell is he still relevant? Talk about nuts...


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Meet The Press -- Interview With The Native American John Boehner


Two men discussing the state of the government in this country!
One of these men is a pale, white guy of natural Caucasian color.
The other man is a man of color so deep he appears to be Native American!
Wait a minute... I know that goddamn man -- that is John Boehner!
When did John Boehner become Native American?
Can a white man switch ethnicity and race?
How does one change his appearance from Caucasian to Native American?
Oh, by spending his days in tanning booths and on golf courses!
Why is my America falling into the pit of Republican hell?
Look at the skin on the face of The Speaker Of The House!
How can you govern and do your job of controlling your Republican idiots...
When you spend your days drunk and on your back in a tanning booth!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Oh My God, That Jack The Giant Slayer Trailer Is Killing My Soul

Why in the hell are these goddamn movie makers taking these beloved fairy tales and twisting them into movie plots that attack the very soul of the original story. My god, is this some fucked-up crap!
Red Riding Hood! That piece of crap was the perfect example of killing the soul of Little Red Riding Hood. What in the hell was that shit? If you've seen that horrible mess... and you liked it, then shame on you!
Bugs Bunny's parody of Little Red Riding Hood was more frightening and entertaining that any part of Red Riding Hood!
Jack the Giant Slayer is an abomination! I give much respect for the work... for giving actors and the crew a lot of work. Great! But to bastardize Jack and the Beanstalk is just goddamn wrong! There is only ONE giant! There is only One Giant in Jack in the Beanstalk.
This is not Jack. And it should not be named Jack anything!
Stop this madness, please!
My soul hurts!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Mindy McCready -- Obviously A Victim Of Mental Illness

It is simply too bad that Mindy McCready had such a hard time in her life. We have here another prime example of a tortured soul who obviously had profound mental issues, yet, America at its base level has such a profoundly hard time with the concept of forcing the government to address the mental health issues of a very large portion of the American population. Therefore, we see cases like Mindy McCready played out in the media, day after day.
Lindsay Lohan is another prime example. Is the judicial system, and the medical community, simply going to sit on their hands until Lindsay kills herself, too?

Mindy McCready could have done so much more with her life if she had been forced to receive the medical assistance she needed when she first began to exhibit mental illness symptoms. Instead, “They” simply chased a mentally handicapped woman around the country from incident to incident, never forcing her to get help.

And, again, now she has killed herself. And tomorrow, good ol’ American style apathy will again rule the day!


Friday, February 1, 2013

Roots Of The Impure Bastards

(Imported From My Impure Bastards Blog)
I'm 54 years old now. My great grandmother died about 35 years ago. She was 100 years old when she died... and was as sharp in her mind as I was at the time.

She would tell me that I was her favorite grandson. I concluded she thought that of me because of the old school notion of me being her oldest great grandson. I loved her and she loved me.

She was a combination of Choctaw Native American, African and Caucasian. And, she was beautiful… like a painting of what you might imagine a tan skinned, soft featured face, straight black hair Native American woman would look like. And her favorite thing to do for me was to make sure I always had Wrigley’s Juicy Fruit gum. To this day that is my favorite memory!

She would tell me things about her past. Being born in the 1800’s, she saw a hell of a lot of life. And her parents, and their parents, linked directly to their slave roots… being sold at the Slave Market in Fayetteville.

She used to tell me stories about her past. I loved her stories. All I wanted to do was be near my beautiful great grandmother… and look at her and listen to her talk.

As I grew older and began to research the many twisting branches of my family roots, I began to dig up many stories and pictures of the past life of the beautiful women in my family. And I began to wonder about just what it was like for beautiful black women back in the 1700’s and the 1800’s and the early 1900’s in racist, white male dominated, harsh as hell Coastal North Carolina back in those days. How did black women survive in a time when white men could take them, and do with them as they pleased! And, when they were finished… kill them, if they pleased. What kind of stories of violence and sexual assault and pregnancy and shame did those women take with them to their graves!

You look at regional Africans! They are brown skinned people who all basically look like each other… like regional white people from around the world look like each other… like regional Asian people all basically look like each other. But, the African-American… born from the early rape destruction of their gene pool… we are a people whose colors range from Caucasian white to ink black! And, from two African-American parents, a family of ten children can have ten completely different colored children. That is just how fucked-up the gene pool of the African-American is.

There was a time, and maybe it still exists, when Africans declared black American as IMPURE BASTARDS! I have always believed that as fact of myself!

America needs to hear these visceral stories of the Black American past… especially white men, young and old, should know the pain their ancestral men rained down on the black people who are, in fact, their next door neighbors. And the young white people, who have mostly grown up side by side with a black person, or two, in their midst should take their fellow white people who are being racist and stupid and shake them by their shoulders and make them see the light… that is, Black People Are Not Your Enemy!

And, more young black people need to use the power of art to show the world that they are aware of what the American past did to their families… and the fact that they are ready now to express that knowledge!

Do not allow ANYONE to force you to back away from your convictions, young black people! You are your own future! Do you want your crazy, racist Congress making decisions about you and your art and your life? No! You do not want that. You want to invent, paint, write, draw and teach what you know about you and yours… TODAY!

So, Artist Kara Walker, you go to the head of the social class! You stick up for yourself and your art. Always remember, white artist have created blasphemous artwork over the decades that have been allowed, with a fight, to be displayed for the public to peruse. You have the right to show your work… but, as all black people in America know, you have to fight for your piece of bread in your own America… the land of the brave and the free… if you have creamy white skin!

Remember your female black roots, beautiful black woman… you might have to represent them all one day… including the memory of my great grandmother.


Friday, January 11, 2013

Why The GOP Is Obsessed With Rape


The Arjayuniverse has asserted, in its political World of Words blogs, that the GOP, which stands for "Grand Old Party" -- the most racist name for an American political party just short of the term "Tea Party" -- is comprised of men, and women, who cling to their deep back woods religious roots of deep old school religious dogma. That dogma teaches the followers that men are alpha and women are the omega. Women must submit to the men and men must take the lead of their relationships and follow the twisted words strained through the dirty, river water cheesecloth of backwards religious ignorance.
This information comes from a man who was raised in Pentecostalism! This deep, dark and scary religion is a cult that treats its women like, often times willing, property. They are literally beaten over the head with the word of the bible... spewed by mostly ignorant, misogynistic hardcore spirited men who are power crazy with religious ignorance. This kind of craziness is spread out across various sects of religion across America.
Women are told to submit to their men. Women are told to give sex on command from their husbands. And inside these religions... RAPE is not an option. How can a man rape a woman when the woman is going against the word of God's will... if she refuses her man!
Who in the hell knows what the fuck is going on inside the millions of homes, across this Nation, of these religious freaks on a nightly basis. I assert this... conflicted women across America are ripped apart at the level of their souls as they battle their perceptions of sinning against God if they refuse that monstrous bastard they are married to when he acts like a cave man when demanding sexual acts when she does not want it! And then, when she goes to church on Sunday, she is shamed to her core as she listens to the lunatic rantings of men, and women, who misinterpret 99% of what they read in the bible.
Its craziness. Its stupidity. Its bizarre! And its sad!
America, you are getting a first hand look at the crazy bastards who YOU put into high governmental positions. You also give these people power over you on a lower level.
You vetted these nut cases and still voted them into power -- you crazy ass lemmings. These bat shit crazy politicians believe raped women cannot become pregnant because GOD will not let that happen! There are religion addled teachers who believe that a raped woman will not become pregnant because God will not let it happen. Evil at their core Clergy believe raped women will not become pregnant because GOD will not let it happen.
Where in the hell is the common knowledge of biology to all these fucking ignorant asses? That common sense is swallowed into the gaping maw of hell fire and dogma inside a two thousand year old book which, by the way, has been translated and rewritten and shuffled around for who knows how many times over the centuries.
Goddamn insanity, it is!
You think I'm full of shit by writing these words? Today, 1-11-13, another prominent politician -- this one a doctor, for fucks sake -- is backing the Todd Akin rape comments of the crazy notion that GOD PREVENTS PREGNANCY IN RAPE VICTIMS!
Holy Shit! What is the damage with all the crazy men, and women? RELIGION, goddamn it!