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Friday, October 4, 2013

Parents, Fox News' Creepy Reporters Are Questioning Your Kids

My son is now a senior at a university here in Virginia. I raised him to be liberal minded... a man to love everybody. I want him to respect himself, his race and especially... WOMEN! I do not expect my son to EVER have domestic confrontations with the women in his life.

At college, I expect him to learn, be respectful to the university process and to BE a force for expanded openness that universities are SUPPOSED to generate.

Fox news... and its dirty, twisted, evil religion, conservative hatefulness... always tries to trick its backwoods, bear eating, Negro hating, snake handling religion, all white, bible twisting, gun polishing, hillbilly ignorant audience into believing the vomit lies it creates out of topics that should be left alone. What in the hell is Fox News doing on the campus of Brown University harassing the students? Why is it not illegal for Fox News to harass the students... the female students?

When is Fox News -- the mouthpiece for these traitorous Republicans -- going to do ANYTHING to help the Republicans, led by John Boehner, to OPEN THE GOVERNMENT, instead of harassing students at a university?

I agree with the students at this university, without one doubt! I was a college student, at one time. I remember what it was like to be a student. And, I will NEVER be a ass-hole hypocrite who tell college students, like my son, that he should not be the same courious way I was in college!

And that conversation is between me and my son!

But, as I told you before, I taught my son to be a good guy! And if he is ever approached by some creepy dicks from Fox News, I hope he calls me so that I can do my fatherly duty to protect MY SON from the EVIL Republicanism that is infecting my America!

And if you have a child in a university anywhere in America, you should call your child tonight and give him, or her, another pound of your love and support. There are EVIL forces out there just waiting to pounce upon your child and turn him, or her, over to the dark-side!

And I am not talking about someone from overseas. Domestic terroristic are right here in America... and they live on, and inside, the worlds of FOX NEWS!


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