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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Meet The Press -- Interview With The Native American John Boehner


Two men discussing the state of the government in this country!
One of these men is a pale, white guy of natural Caucasian color.
The other man is a man of color so deep he appears to be Native American!
Wait a minute... I know that goddamn man -- that is John Boehner!
When did John Boehner become Native American?
Can a white man switch ethnicity and race?
How does one change his appearance from Caucasian to Native American?
Oh, by spending his days in tanning booths and on golf courses!
Why is my America falling into the pit of Republican hell?
Look at the skin on the face of The Speaker Of The House!
How can you govern and do your job of controlling your Republican idiots...
When you spend your days drunk and on your back in a tanning booth!

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