Revisiting my blog entry on this great day for health care in America:
Examples: I would have never believed two years ago that the United States Postal Service would be teetering on the cliff of destruction! And, that the federal government, with its anti-American morality Republican guard, was the evil culprit about to push it over the edge! Unbelievable!
Example: I have seen several prominent Republican politicians, male and female, stand or sit before crowds of people -- in town hall meetings and on various television outlets and on radio outlets -- and tell the crowd or television or radio audience that they absolute do not believe in evolution! These are suppose to be the intelligent, though-out leaders who are suppose to lead America with true facts that ground us all in reality and common sense! This is a dumbing down of America that frightening me to no end. Comedian D.L. Hughley was a guest on Real Time with Bill Maher in early 2011. He shared the panel with Rep. Jack Kingston. Kingston declared, again, for the world to see and hear that he does not believe in evolution. I absolutely expected that declaration from that republican lunatic! I was SHOCKED when Hughley declared that he too does not believe in evolution! And he was serious about that fact! Sheer madness and lunacy!
Example: WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST! America continues to fight an endless war against the “enemy” over on their soil… an enemy who wants only one thing from every other country on this planet -- to be left the hell alone to survive on their own land on their own terms! Surround them, cordon them off, separate them from the rest of the world… anything! Pull out our people and pull out our money and just let these people survive on their land on their own terms and as the years roll by… well, we’ll see!
Example: Racism in America. I was born in 1959 in Southport, North Carolina. Up until I was 8 years old, I was called Nigger by most of the white people that I met… out of the setting of school. I remember being spit at. I remember being told Niggers should go to hell. I remember the neighbor’s four children who lived across the way from my grandfather’s house yelling “NIGGERS, NIGGERS, NIGGERS” whenever they played out in their yard and I was outside. I also remember the parents never telling the children to stop. I also remember wishing that one day, maybe by the time I was an adult, that nasty racist people will have all vanished off the surface of the planet. I am now 52 years old and I just survived the morally bankrupt administration of George Bush, only to have witnessed two years of the most vile, horrible racist Republican led self-destruction I could not have imagined back in 1963 when it was the norm for southern white people to scream Nigger into the face of a black person. Racism is just as nasty and pervasive as it has ever been! Only now, actions speak louder than words!
These Republican debates are a sad canvas to the rest of the world to observe and dissect! Absolutely shameful behavior!
Example: The black republican! Michael Steele, Herman Cain and Allen West! These men are not only traitors to African-American ideals, but traitors to the very democratic policies implemented by both white and black American freedom fighters who have fought the fight against the darkest side of America, many fighting to the death! Democratic ideas allowed these three black men to be where they are today. And they proudly strut around like Republican peacocks filled with the most virulent, brain rotting… bird flu! Sad!
I could go on and on and on. I just needed to vent this derision from my mind. Newt Gingrich and his take the “poor” student and put them to work as school janitors bullshit has driven me over the edge! And, the fact that white people are not outraged that this man could potentially be the president of America! This man is a true psychopath! What in the world is wrong with American people… American white people… today.
It is a true American psychosis!