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Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I am now on the Huffington Post website looking at all the negative comments about Michelle Obama’s Tuesday night speech. My jaw has dropped to the ground with the vile, bile dripping from these ignorant, grammatically stunted, syntax busting uneducated fools writing in their hate speech with their busted English!


What in the hell is wrong with the people writing these negative comments about Michelle Obama's speech last night? Are you kidding me?

This lady, like her husband, grew up without a silver spoon in her mouth. Both of them had slightly lower middle class upbringings… without the benefit of wealthy ancestors. They had debt in their lives up until Barack Obama wrote his book and obviously he was given a good advance, and made decent money from the sales of the book. Both of them slowly moved up in life, and financial standing, until this President thing happened. They have two young kids and older family members to support.

What the hell is the freaking problem, white people filled with hate?

Mitt Romney, and his wife, are both privileged brats from birth. Mitt Romney’s family, and his ancestors, IS filthy rich! Mitt’s father ran AMC, for god’s sake. How much scratch does the head of a major automobile company make. And Mitt’s father was also a major political player in his time! Also, Ann Romney’s father was the Mayor of his town.

Anyway, you people who are being complete jerks about the Obama family are stupid freaks. What makes you believe that the filthy rich Romney’s, who lives the good life in wealthy gated isolation in the most exclusive communities in the world, give one goddamn about any of you. When you make Romney the President, and Ryan his vice-president, these men will GUT the federal government of MILLIONS of jobs, thus flooding the job market with unemployed job seekers. They will GUT the education system that has failed all of you, making you stupid ignorant sheep willing to be lead to the Romney/Ryan slaughter!

They will gut the medical safety net for the older people, and the young and the sick, in our society that you heartless bastards and bitches want to see die off!

And the fact that Mitt Romney continues to scoff at science, snickering at the notion that the polar ice caps are melting and the oceans are rising -- lying facts that make stupid, ignorant and imaginary god worshipers like you all cheer -- is just plain delusional and dangerous!

I want leaders who believes in science and reality first! And after that, he can talk about this unseen god all he wants. I want leaders who are not secretive and cultish with their private lives. I want leaders who can look and act like me when they put down their hair. I want leaders who do not have to fake making pancakes in front of cameras just to get me to believe they are real people. I do not want my leaders flaunting their yacht wealth in my freaking face, as they tell me the rest of the country if hurting so much. I want my leaders to have a little goddamn humility, for god’s sake.

And you people who chastise, and criticize, President Obama and his family are racist bastards! This man has done NOTHING to harm any of you ungrateful assholes! The fact that you consider Barack Obama as POWER MAD is a freaking joke! The Republicans have practically castrated the man for almost four years. What in the hell are you people complaining about? You are delusional!

The quest for POWER? Mitt Romney has spent the last 20 years questing for the golden ring of America’s President… and he has been defeated every time, because he is a pathological liar who might be a danger to Americans like me… and you, if you would get you head out of the Republican Mitt Romney’s ass and see the light!

Again, what in the hell is wrong with you people?


Saturday, September 1, 2012



     Over the last few years, I have taken a lot of criticism over a particular stance I've taken concerning a particular book series that DC is publishing... a stance that I feel strongly about and a stance that absolutely no person on this planet will change my mind on. Period!

     I am an old school comic book freak. Most of the last 15 years in comics does not exist to me because both DC and Marvel Comics continually morph and twist their core reality, bending it and twisting it into all of these bizarre directions that only confuse and frustrates people like me. I think what DC is now doing with twisting its core AGAIN into the 52 concept is just plain silly.

     Why the stupid gimmicks? Just give us Superman, Adventure Comics, Swamp Thing, The Spectre, Batman, Hawk Man, Justice League, Green Lantern, Challengers of the Unknown, House of Mystery, House of Secrets, The Demon... and on and on.

     But what has brought me into direct conflict with comic book fans is my stance AGAINST the latest incarnation of Showcase Presents!

     I believe with all my heart and mind and soul that DC comics is giving all of us a LAZY F**K YOU with producing all these great older comics in this mind bending lazy and crazy black and white format. To take these beautiful full color comics, strip them of their beautiful color, and force the public to buy a half-assed product -- a product we all crave, mind you -- is an act of terrorism, in my opinion!

     I have had many people challenge me all over the place, particularly on My stance against this black and white travesty is this... DC has MANY examples of small omnibus collections that are in FULL COLOR, with just as many pages as Showcase Presents, and with a price point right at the price of a Showcase Presents collection. People continued to challenge me to give examples of these "imaginary" books I was talking about. For a time, I gave several examples... until I grew tired of doing the research work of the ignorant and uneducated who were calling me names and who were obviously too young to even know what I was talking about... and too young to have even have seen one of these stripped of color Showcase Presents comics it the original form.

     I began to tell my detractors to do their own goddamn research if they did not like my words!

     My biggest problem with Showcase presents, which by the way had several iterations in the past as FULL COLOR INDIVIDUAL COMIC BOOKS before DC decided to destroy the concept by stripping out the color, came when DC f**ked The Doom Patrol by releasing it in the colorless format. That was the last straw for my mental state of being about this issue, and I went off and wrote an extremely harsh letter to DC that I published through Amazon. And the Showcase Presents fans did not like that at all!

     Everyone has a favorite comic book... mine is without a doubt The Doom Patrol! I am old enough to have read The Doom Patrol as a child when it eas first released and I remember to this day the pure visceral impact this comic book had on my psyche. The Doom Patrol art is fantastic! The Doom Patrol color is beautiful. The story is serious and sober! And the fact that the characters are so tragic made The Doom Patrol decades ahead of its time. And I have been affected by my favorite comic book for well over 45 years! And, DC comics bastardized my Doom Patrol... my memories... by releasing it in this horrible format!

     I refuse to buy this book! And, to prove ALL of my points, Showcase Presents: The Doom Patrol has completely sold out. is now offering new copies of the book for over $80.00 now. WOW! That means, to me, many people LOVE them some Doom Patrol! And this Showcase Presents format was the cheapest way to afford these rare comics. So fans have purchased nearly ALL of the Showcase Presents: The Doom Patrol books. And I say, good for all of you.

     If you want this bastard format of The Doom Patrol... then go for it! I totally understand your desire to read comic book greatness! But, in my opinion, you are selling greedy, evil DC comics a part of your soul by feeding into this black and white format. Making this book into a best seller has only fed the monster raw meat... there is a Showcase Presents: The Doom Patrol vol. 2 coming out very soon.

     I respect your desire to own this book. I will never give DC my money for this bastard concept! DC could, and should, charge all of us another two or three dollars and PUT THE ORIGINAL COLOR BACK IN THESE COMICS! This is a crime!

     Vampirella, Creepy, Eerie, Mad Magazine, Cracked Magazine and plenty of other books were originally black and white... with a splash of color. To release these books in full color would not be true to their original formats... so I WELCOME every black and white issue of these books I can get my hands on, including the Archives Editions!

     DC comics is scamming all of you good fans. And as long as you willingly allow DC to continue on with this travesty... well, it is a business and its purpose it to get your money, regardless of how I might feel about their crime.