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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Who Is Actually On Trial In The Trayvon Martin Case?

I've got three things that are bugging the hell out of me about this MURDER case!

1 -- Why in the name of anything reasonable in America is Rachael Jeantel being subjected to the grilling about her personal 19 year old life by the Defense Attorney. Should not his questions be relegated only to the telephone conversation she had with Trayvon Martin up until the moment of his death? What in the hell does ANYTHING she said, or did, matter after George Zimmerman shot Martin dead? After the telephone goes dead while Martin is confronted by Zimmerman… her relationship with this matter is done!

Leave the chick alone, people.

2 -- Why is Trayvon Martin’s Bag of Skittles still perfectly intact. And, why is Trayvon Martin’s can of Arizona Iced Tea not busted or crumpled or busted open. I believe, if Trayvon Martin was the thug he is being painted out to be by some people, he would have hit Zimmerman with that can. And we all know that the aluminum used for Arizona Iced Tea cans is paper thin.

Why are Martin’s items not damaged?

3 -- The Defense wants us to believe Martin was on top of Zimmerman, beating him to within an inch of his life… thus, leaving Zimmerman with one option -- shoot Martin dead! And that Martin’s body fell on top of Zimmerman. Zimmerman then rolled Martin off of him.

But, I want to know this… if those facts are true… then why, and how, was Martin found with his arms and hands UNDERNEATH HIS BODY! That is not ergonomically possible… unless Zimmerman placed Martin’s hands under his body!

Zimmerman shot Martin -- that is truth. How did Martin fall onto his face with his hands underneath his body? Two men standing face to face! One man shoots the other man dead with one shot! The dead man’s body falls instantly face first to the ground… arms instantly loose and under the body as it hit’s the ground!

Unless, Zimmerman staged the body in that position!

4 -- How in the hell did Zimmerman get those scratches on the back of his head? Did anybody check Zimmerman’s fingernails for flesh underneath them? Perhaps, they might have found Zimmerman’s OWN scalp flesh underneath his own fingernails.

I’ve got many more questions… but these are the ones that bug me the most!

Six white women on the jury! Not one black person on the jury! Holy hell! What in the fuck happened to the caveat -- judged by a jury of your peers!
