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Saturday, September 21, 2013


(Don't panic folks.
I am going to re-post this three times for maximum effect -- Friday the 21st, Monday the 23rd and Wednesday, the 25th. I just want to make sure as many people read this missive as possible.)


This Son-Of A-Bitch is Eric Cantor!
He is the Republican bastard Senator who heads this evil.
This prick fucker is from around the area of Virginia where I live.
And I feel nothing but disgust that I breath the same air he does!

I wrote this original missive in the middle month of 2012...
When the Senate first started seriously attacking the hungry!
Now it has completed the immoral job...
So goddamn what if millions of children go hungry!

According to them...
If you are old, poor or sick --
You're fucked -- and they gladly did the screwing!
Obama Care for untold millions of the uninsured?
They want you sick, hungry, poor and DEAD!
And a food stamp program to feed the hungry?
They want you hungry, weak and DEAD!
And money to expand education?
They want you dumb, stupid and DEAD!

The Republican politicians don't give a damn about you.
They just showed your their hatred of you.
You, the screwed, you better vote these bastards out of office next year!

The Republican lies are borderline psychotic!
They are telling the public Obamacare is destroying America!
They are lying by saying it is affecting you now.
That is a lie!
Obama Care begins October 1, 2013!
On that date you can sign up to the insurance exchanges.
That is all!
The actual law doesn't actually go into affect until January 2014!
NOTHING is happening right NOW with Obamacare!
Republicans are LYING to you!
And they used your fear and ignorance to GUT the Food Stamp Program!
Wake up, white people!
You are the only people the Republicans are targeting!
You are being used like a beat down Pit Bull!

Summer 2012

Food Stamp Vote In Senate Blocks Bid To Restore $4.5 Billion In Aid

Every person in the Senate, the Congress, and the White House went to bed with a full belly of food last night. Many of these people are very wealthy, all of them are well paid and a lot of them had fancy meals in fancy restaurants at the end of the day. Many of them drank expensive wine, good beer and expensive whiskey with that meal. A lot of them chomp down on expensive cigars while they tell the stories to one another of the underhanded insider stock trade they just made. All of them go home to air conditioned dwellings, sleep on fine sheets and bathe using hot water in nice showers.

When they wake up this morning, they will have their coffee, read their newspaper, mull over their many choices of articles of clothing to put on and get into their cars, if they want to drive to work… if they want to. The women are all well dressed, manicured and have their hair done at fancy salons. The women carry in their fancy hand bags the best lotions, perfumes and lip stick. Everyone looks good for each other as they gut the economy of the bare essential programs that give the people ‘below’ them dignity, food for energy and a reason to get up and live.

Half of the haves in Washington DC are an abomination to the very order of life in America! These men and women, these elected officials who are suppose to be compassionate proxies for the people they supposedly serve. They… who have everything they need to live on and provide food for their family members. They are hateful, spiteful, immoral, evil filled creatures who would rather let an American child starve to death than get their heads out of their asses and fix the economy like they know they can!

Every politician who votes to starve another child in America, actually contributing to the declining health and well being of the people who they are suppose to help… you are evil personified and should burn in whatever hell your parents believe in. You people are obviously devils and you have no fear of apprehension of what might happen to evil people like you in your afterlife.

I spit on you… just like you are spitting on me! May your evil self-serving derision give you nightmares from this day forward. None of you deserve the respect of right thinking Americans!

John Boehner is said to be a drunken lush at times. It is documented that he likes bars. How can a vile worm like this man possess the stones to show his face in public when he commits treasonous acts against his fellow Americans every day? How does a vile, anti-American poser like this man keep his job when it is obvious that he, and his henchmen, have only one agenda in government -- take down President Obama, and slam the rest of America on the mat with him!

These politicians have the food, the power, the running water, the cars, the money, the modern dwellings, the bank accounts, the stock options, Jamie Dimon, health care for their children, access to the best schools and education for their children, access to millionaires and billionaires, side money to line their pockets, good clothing to wear on their backs, gas money, high class restaurant access, access to the best seats at the national level sporting events, swimming pools, antiques, manicured lawns with trees that are just the right height… and I could go on for pages and pages of content!

Wake up people! You voted these anti-you people into office. They have screwed you for three straight years! Are you not tired of being raped in your very soul by these people? Goddamn it! Vote these self-serving asses out of office!

When Barak Obama was sworn into the office of the President a few years ago, America was ecstatic with the possibilities. The Republican hate machine immediately went into action! It has undermined the very fabric of what holds America together. Are you people going to allow the Republican monsters to continue to screw your very life?

Imagine this… Barak Obama becomes president. He enacts the policies that he ran on… without Republican opposition. Can you imagine what America would be like today? Roads would be fixed! Bridges would be fixed! Sewer systems in the big cities would be right in the middle of refurbishing. Education would be a priority! The banks would be under control! And people would be applauding universal health care!

You… sheep… have allowed about 150 men across this nation to completely flip America upside down. You gave Scott Walker back his power. And you keep giving these Republicans more and more power by kissing their asses and giving them your votes. What in the hell is wrong with you people?

Enough! And now, look what these politicians just did! You all should be marching to the White House in protest as you read this missive. You are crazy, self-hating white Americans. It is no wonder the rest of the world HATES us!

Who do you think is affected by this Senate block of this Bill? Black people? Check your facts… to see how many times more white Americans are on food stamps than black people. Go on… shock yourself!
