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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Surprised? More Racist Slurs From CBS TV And CBS RADIO!

The CBS executives are known racist hoarders. Across the board, CBS has had company issues with racism over the years. CBS radio, in Washington D.C. for example, is known to be ABJECTLY RACIST… including the on-air sports shock jocks using the word N****r and completely disrespecting Native American culture and defending negative branding of a word that marks Native American’s darkest times in history. The ignorance from the racist employees at CBS is frightening… and continues to be the displayed to this day.

I believe, these people are known to be racist by CBS executives before they are hired. The fact that their racism preceding them means nothing to CBS executives. If you are a racist CBS executive, what do you care when you hear N bombs, Asian racist insults and homophobic slurs. You, the CBS executive, already probably use these terms yourself… “So what is the big deal?” Perhaps, says the CBS executive.

I want to know how many black people are at the CBS executive level for buffering against the racism, like that would really matter. Just like the present American Congress… when you put scores of racist white men together and give them power -- they impose radical racist agendas, openly attack black people’s civil rights and show their true evil disrespectful disdain for women and their right to control their own bodies!

CBS -- pure television racism at the executive level at its worst! If you support CBS television, and CBS radio, you are supporting RACISM!

Are you racist?