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Friday, March 6, 2015


I often times feel like I should be wearing these chains when I listen to CBS WJFK radio...
Of Washington, DC!



Talk about horror on the radio waves...

As soon as Chad Dukes starts his 2:00 radio show on CBS Radio WJFK... playing that nasty N****R Hating Music he starts his show off with... I have to turn off the radio! I can't take it when he starts that racist music to begin his show!

I would rather go outside and risk a heart attack shoveling snow than listen to that music set my mood for the rest of the weekend!

I grew up in Texas. I graduated high school in 1977. We black people heard white people singing, and playing, a certain kind of music espousing a certain kind of attitude toward alcohol, women and those other people. The white people... older white people... warned us that music was N****R hating music! And, you are to avoid white people when they are listening to it... unless you want to disappear!

I believe Chad Dukes knows those facts. He can play that music as he talks wrestling, guns, alcohol and chicks as he hides his racism behind this relatively new sports paradigm at WJFK.

WJFK will even pair him with a black man occasionally... that does not gloss over the horrible heart inside that man.

It shames me that black people go on his show... obviously oblivious to his racist past!

Actually, all you have to do is listen to the introduction music to his show!


PS. I am still writing this letter. I have yet to get up to turn off the radio. Now Chad Dukes is railing against the new movie Chappie... about the South African director and why he keeps South African themes in his movies... about how bad the special effects were in District 9 and the veiled reference to the many, many black South African people in the movie.

Chad Dukes said he did not see Elysium... yet he has these wild opinion about the director’s movies and the fact that he will direct the next Alien movie.

Both District 9 and Elysium were given great praise when they were released. Both movies were fantastic, in fact.

Dukes has a bug up his ass about comparing the PG rated movie Shirt Circuit to the R rated Chappie. Short Circuit was released in 1986... and it was a shallow, but sweet natured movie, almost ET-like. It was a movie parents took their kids to.

Chappie, on the other hand, is R rated and it is ADULT! The director makes very violent movies... and Chappie is way too violent for young children. And, the director is obviously making an adult movie here. Some people are going to like this South African director, using his South African people along with other accented people, in the leads. Other people.. racists, bigots, nationalists, Republicans... will hate it because of all I have said

If you are a racist, gun toting, beer swilling, redneck wannabe like Chad Dukes, then, all of these things bug the hell out of you.

Like, especially the parts about black people.

OK, now I am turning off the radio!

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