This note is a response to the just posted whiny, racist comment on The Huffington Post by "Cirowley." This is for you...
There was not one gay person in America attacking Chick-Fil-a until the owner of the chain came out of his racism closet last summer to tell the world that he, and Chick-Fil-A, do NOT support gay anything. Then he thumped the bible before vanishing out of sight for the past 8 months. Dan Cathy started the conflict with gay people with HIS unprovoked attack on them.
Remember the craziness of Republican business owners losing their goddamn minds becaust they were feeling full of themselves because they were convinced that Barack Obama was a “cooked as a goose” President, who was out on his ass! Well, now many of these business jerks are stepping and trying to get back in the good graces of the customers they offended!
And Chick-Fil-A stepped into a pile of muddy trash when it decided to attack the gay community. I want to know, what was the position of this California Chick-Fil-A during the controversial phase of Dan Cathy’s racism. What was he saying then about what the owner of the company was saying?
Most gay people want to be left the hell alone. Some of them only become vocal when jerks like you stick your racist opinions in their business. Who asked for your goddamn opinion in the first place? Didn’t your racist mother tell you that if you don’t have something nice to say about someone, don’t say anything at all?
Hey, take your negative opinion and sit on it!